March 31, 2025

2 Shaw'waal 1446

Fajr Iqamah

4:59 am

Prayer Begins Iqamah
Fajr5:01 am 5:01 am
Sunrise6:36 am
Zuhr1:08 pm 1:08 pm
Asr5:29 pm 5:29 pm
Maghrib7:35 pm 7:35 pm
Isha8:52 pm 8:52 pm


Harold Hill Weekday Madrasah

This Madrasah is catered in particular for boys who can read the Quran in Arabic and the focus is primarily on Hifdh of the Quran with half an hour of Islamic Studies each day.

Ages: Ideally elder boys.

Classes are taught by a qualified Aalim.

Students will be examined at various stages and will receive certificates.

Students will start memorising Juz Amma and Juz Tabaarak, and then move onto memorising Surah Baqarah.
Our teaching methods include appropriate discussion and proper Islamic guidance on day to day concerns, queries and situations that children may have.
The Madrasah emphasises Islamic ettiquette and manners as a key to success.
There is a 10 minutes break during the session, so please send children with a suitable healthy snack and drink/water (not fizzy).
Children must bring their own stationary in a pencil case which should include a pen, pencil, rubber, sharpner, ruler and colouring pencils. The Madrasah no longer provides stationary so children without will miss out.
There is a final exam once all syllabus books have been completed, and an awards ceromany once a year. We strive to make sure all students progress and gain the confidence to succeed.

All students must wear Madrasah uniform: Any colour plain jubbah and head gear.
Please see Madrasah Rules and Regulations for full details. JazakAllah